These two signs were fairly simple to make. I purchased two plain wood boards from Hobby Lobby for $2.99 a piece. I painted the backs of them to give a little more depth. I also purchased one of those hollow heart boxes that has a bottom and a lid. I used the top heart for one and a heart one for the bottom. The large "U" shapes were $.99 each also at Hobby Lobby. I used glue and glitter for the rest. So simple but I love them!
My next project was extremely simple as well. I wanted to make an arrangement of different size vases with different kinds of decorations. I picked up two small fake bouquets of roses at the Dollar Store and three vases also at the dollar store. I also bought the Kerr canning jar which I painted pink from the inside to make it look like a smooth texture and have no chance of chipping. To do the glitter vase I painted it gray and put a layer of glitter over it.
Last but not least my little heart tree. I also purchased these supplies at the dollar store for a whopping $3.00. The two groupings of decorative sticks were cut to a manageable size. I used floss to tie the hearts to the sticks and a hot glue gun to secure the hearts. So simple but I absolutely love it :)
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